Thursday, January 5, 2012

Page 7

I make books for breakfast! This stuff is just to easy! My next book will be more epic! I assure you guys!

Also if I get this thing published I will put all of your names on the back cover in order by commentators :) Thanks for pushing me to write this thing!


  1. That's a cool idea with putting the names of commentators on the back of the book!

  2. @Angry Better late then never :)

    @R I thought it would be neat.

    @Casper I am thinking the wind will be the evil character.

  3. But how will he make that fall?! We need the next page!

    Great work so far. :D

  4. Sammy's tail (pun intended) is quite cute. Will follow back!

  5. My first ever Library job was in a primary school (grade school for those non-Australians :D) and I would read the story books to the 1st and 2nd Graders.

    I think they'd all be sitting forward - eyes riveted on the page and worrying about Sammy at this point.

    Well Done! :)


  6. Squidgy!

    Aloha from Waikiki
    Comfort Spiral

    > < } } ( ° >


  7. I NEED the next page! I need to know if he is OK!

  8. I can see this getting published. Sammy is just so sweet. Good luck! :)

  9. You have an interesting blog. I will take more time to look at past posts later today.

    Happy New Year and best wishes on your book. Am I too late to be added to the list of names encouraging your literary endeavors?

  10. Nice book, unlucky Sammy, sacrifices needed to be made :)!

  11. @BragonDorn, would be a good idea i think. You could have it as the lesson to be learned near the end... i don't know, always shut your windows to prevent blanket loss and high falls? ha ha :)

  12. Oh no! Quick, Sammy! Make a parachute out of your blanket! Or your tail! Or land on a giant marshmallow!

  13. Poor Sammy, he hit hard. I just realized you have 2 blogs. Your animation is wonderful. I will have to play catchup on Sammy's story. I followed you on this one as well.
